just keeps going. I heard a phrase this past week that sums it up so
well ' the days are long but the years are short.' I can't believe how
quickly time is flying. It gets hectic and chaotic here keeping up with
not only all of Addie's appointments but also with the little boys
running around. It is a wonderful chaos though and I am so thankful I
get to be home for all of it! Addie is handling everything we go through
extremely well. We are now putting her in the stander once a day for 15
minutes to encourage weight bearing and standing. We will probably be
bumping that up to twice a day in the next week. We also are still doing
her E-stem on her arm 2 times a day for 15 minutes each time. She just
sits there and plays with it. Her arm is doing very well in what
movements she is capable of while lying down. We are working on
increasing her strength in the left arm so she is able to move it when
on her side and then when sitting/standing. She is also making good
progress with her grasp and wrist placement. Her eating is still at the
same spot where is she able to eat purees or mashed up food, but she
still does not chew on her own. She has started to feed herself when I
put out little snacks that will melt in her mouth. She is also now
drinking from a normal cup instead of a sippy cup so that she is
stretching her mouth out more during the day. She is also starting to
use more sounds and use them more often in an attempt to communicate.We
are continuing to see steady progress in many areas but it is also more
evident to see where she is behind as she gets bigger. One of her
favorite games is for Mike or I to hold her and chase Michael and
Stephen as they run around the house. She just giggles and giggles! I
can get sad at times when I think about where she would be if we weren't
dealing with all this physical issues. I have to remember how far she
has come. A year ago we were in casts for her legs and no left arm
movement with no idea what she would be able to regain there! God has
worked many miracles in her life and we are anticipating even more. It
is hard sometimes and the days and weeks are long as we go from therapy
to therapy with so much to do at home in between, but time is going
quickly. As I sit back to reflect I can see how much God has been with
us although in the moment it is easy to lose my focus and only think of
what we still have to overcome. It reminds of the song I put at the
beginning of the blog"I Will Look Up" by Elevation Worship. There is a
verse that says "I look back and see that you are faithful I look ahead
knowing you are able." I am sitting here encouraging myself again as I
reflect on this past month for you. He has been faithful and so I know
that He will continue to be faithful. I am not perfect somedays life
weighs heavy on me as it does for all of you, but with God I have one
who is eagerly waiting to carry the burden for me if I would just let
go! I am going to spend some time giving up my burden yet again because
He promises to take it and give me rest in its place. I hope that with
whatever you are facing you will also turn to Him and allow Him to
minister to your heart as only He can. It doesn't mean any of your
present circumstances will change, but your heart will and that is what
matters! So I will finish with this promise from Jesus himself in Matthew 11:28-30“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”