We have also been dealing with some therapy with Stephen over the past few weeks because he has been walking on his toes. He had a therapy evaluation and will probably have a few therapy sessions. We also got fitted for some shoe inserts that should help limit his ablility to walk on his feet. He also has really flat feet so it will give him an arch.
Michael has been healthy and helpful lately. He is always trying to get Addie to laugh or help do something with her. Before the casts he had started picking her up and spinning her in circles, made me so nervous, but she loved it and would want to do it over and over again! We are also homeschooling this year which has been a challenge with all the therapy and hip surgery, but it is coming along well. He goes to a co-op once a week where he takes Spanish, Art, & Science.
Addie is doing well overall. She has made great strides and probably has close to 50 words she is using or starting to use. She loves to eat! I think she has hit a growth spurt because she is eating all the time and so much food! She has finally weaned which was a good step. She is able to eat most food now if we puree it. Her PT will go back to 2x a week this week to continue working on strengthening and stepping. She loves trying to walk!
God has been good to us. His grace and peace have carried us through and we continue to see progress. We follow up with the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor this week. Then in March we head back to St. Louis to check up on her hip. In May we travel to Cincinnati for a check up on her arm. Then in June we head to a special clinic in Seattle that deals specifically with arthrogryposis. Arthogryposis is a condition of stiff joints which impacts all of Addie's struggles the feet, hip, jaw, arm, and fingers. At this clinic she will see 8 different people with experience with arthogryposis. I am wanting to go to make sure that we are treating her appropriately and that we have not missed any issues that could come from the arthogryposis. I am excited and nervous at the same time about this trip.
It will be a busy Spring but as always God is walking with us and we can feel His presence daily. Thank you for all your prayers and care. Sorry I have been so long in updating!
Numbers 6:24-26
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.”