Wednesday, April 11, 2018

2 Weeks Post Op

Addie is two weeks post-op. She is doing amazing!!! Her pain is under control and she is pretty happy overall.  The doctor in St. Louis said if the doctor at home was comfortable taking over some of her care we would not have to travel back to him until this summer. So we went Monday for her 2 week post-op X-ray with our doctor down here. He was more than willing to take off her cast for us so that was set for May 7th! He is happy to work with the doctor in St. Louis to make sure Addie gets the best care she possibly can without us making unnecessary trips back and forth to St. Louis. We have truly been blessed with great doctors and nurses that are willing to care for Addie and make things as simple as possible for us! Even in the middle of the crazy year we have had full of surgeries and casting God has blessed us with people who are doing their best for Addie!