Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Big Day!

Ok well it has been a crazy week! Last Monday we had the occupational therapist come out to do a re-evaluation and decide if we should start regular therapy at this point.  She stated with Addie's diagnosis of Erb's Palsy on her left arm there is the chance she may never gain full use of that arm, and even if she does it may always be weaker. I did not know this! I had been under the impression that Addie's lack of movement was from lack of strength since she had not been able to move it in the womb. After hearing that news from the occupational therapist I started to do some research about it . We found out that 3-6 months of age is a huge time frame for improvement with babies with Erb's Palsy. We also decided that it would be a good idea to see a specialist about it. I had an appointment for her 4 month check-up with her pediatrician Monday the 27th already set so when we got there I asked for a referral to a specialist. He said he could refer me to a neurologist, but he was not sure how quickly they would get me in even with a rush on the order. I started to pray  that if she needed to see a specialist she would be able to get in quickly because she is already 4 1/2 months. The next day, Tuesday, I had an appointment with a physical therapist from Easter Seals for her re-evaluation to decide if we should start ongoing therapy. The therapist mentioned a specialized center in St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Texas just for Erb's Palsy. She shared that the occupational therapists she works with send babies as young as 2 months there to get checked out and that it would probably be a good idea for Addie. Once I got home from that meeting I began looking up these centers. I called the one in St. Louis and was able to get an appointment for today!! What a blessing! So I loaded up the 3 kids and drove down to my aunt's who is about an hour away from St. Louis. My cousin is going to watch the boys today while I take Addie up to the center. Wednesday is their special day for Erb's Palsy and Addie will be seeing a neurologist, neurosurgeon, and an orthopedic doctor! My simple prayer to see a specialist has been answered threefold by three specialists who all work together! It reminds me of this promise in Scripture "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear" Isaiah 65:24. God knew what we needed and He knew when we would need it even though I didn't. His hand has not left Addie! I am grateful we are able to get in so quickly and am praying to get some clarity on her diagnosis and wisdom on her treatment plan. At this point after meeting with the occupational, developmental, and physical therapists all again we are going to start having physical therapy 2 times a month and occupational therapy 2 times a month also. The goal out of these sessions will be to monitor Addie and to give me different exercises to do daily with Addie in order to help strengthen her arms and legs. Yesterday, I was overwhelmed by how quickly everything was going but today I am at peace, excited, and even joyful at how present God's hand has been. I know that I am not going alone today, but that God will walk with me each step of the way so I will praise Him!
                   Psalms 100
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
    Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

4 months plus couple days old!

I cannot get over the truth in the song by One Sonic Society "Always". It talks about how God does not delay, He is our refuge and strength. When we were waiting for Addie to get here and when she first arrived it was not the answers that we expected. Still, then and now we can see how God has been answering. He has been a steady refuge for us in the midst of the unknown.  It is only by God that we have peace and strength through all we have been through with her. He keeps helping her and she is doing wonderfully. Addie is the easiest baby I have had! She sleeps through the night, she now has nursing down pat and is putting on weight! She can roll over from her back to her tummy. She is able to lift her left arm more and more! She also handles her braces great! They don't seem to bother her although she does tend to wiggle her left foot loose or out of her brace because she bends her left knee and not her right. The occupational therapist will be back out on Monday the 21st to reevaluate her arm and also her right knee. Than her 4 month appointment on the 28th with the pediatrician. Then she sees the orthopedic doctor again at the end of May to see how her feet are doing and if we are then able to move from wearing the braces all the time to just at night. It is a continual healing process but she is healing! God is answering while it may seem slow at times to us God knows what He is doing! He is always here and always helping! "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Living Life

Well life here has been busy. Last week we had Addie's first checkup with her braces on. She is doing great! The doctor was pleased with her progression and the fact that she doesn't seem to mind the braces. Now we don't go back until May 30th! It is a nice break to not be going in every week like we were with the casts. She also had her 2 month check up (although she was 3 months). She weighed in at 10lb 9 oz. So I am guessing she is closer to 11 or so now. She is gaining weight well though so the doctor was pleased with that. The occupational therapist also got back to me and she is planning to come out to the house around the end of April to reevaluate her. Her arm is making progress still as we do the exercises daily. She is also doing much better on her tummy time so that should also start helping with her arm strength. A new issue we have found since her casts are off is that she does not bend her right knee. It bends but she does not bend it. I will be bringing this up with the occupational therapist comes back out. For now I am just bending it on my own when I do her foot and arm exercises already. Hopefully that will help. We have been blessed by how faithfully God is and has been carrying us through. He is just so faithful. We continue to see improvements and we continue to see God's hand. We went back to Indiana this past weekend which was the first time we had been there in over 6 months. As we were there we had a chance to share more about Addie and everyone got to meet her for the first time. We shared to update everyone, but we were blessed by remembering and realizing how God had been preparing to handle Addie even years before. As we looked back we saw ways that God had lead us that at the time didn't make sense or go along with our plans but now we see what a blessing it is. One example was moving to Illinois. We never desired to live in Illinois our goal was always to move south if we moved from Indiana, but we really felt like God had opened the door for Mike's job here. So we came and now we are only 20 minutes away from a new nice Children's hospital. It is connected to the hospital where Addie was delivered and where she was taken right away for the NICU and then again where she had her surgery. It will also be where she has her next surgery on her hip. God knew the doctors and nurses and proximity of this hospital would ending up being such a blessing that at the time we never knew we would need. God really does work all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), even though we may not always know how each situation we face could end good.  We intentionally choose to trust God to fulfill His promises, which becomes easier as we reflect on His past works in our lives and continuous peace He has provided.  As long as we remain open, He consistently grows our faith. "The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you." Psalms 145:9-10 We have and are seeing His goodness to us day in and day out despite the trials and tribulations and so we have and we will continue to praise Him name!