Thursday, April 17, 2014

4 months plus couple days old!

I cannot get over the truth in the song by One Sonic Society "Always". It talks about how God does not delay, He is our refuge and strength. When we were waiting for Addie to get here and when she first arrived it was not the answers that we expected. Still, then and now we can see how God has been answering. He has been a steady refuge for us in the midst of the unknown.  It is only by God that we have peace and strength through all we have been through with her. He keeps helping her and she is doing wonderfully. Addie is the easiest baby I have had! She sleeps through the night, she now has nursing down pat and is putting on weight! She can roll over from her back to her tummy. She is able to lift her left arm more and more! She also handles her braces great! They don't seem to bother her although she does tend to wiggle her left foot loose or out of her brace because she bends her left knee and not her right. The occupational therapist will be back out on Monday the 21st to reevaluate her arm and also her right knee. Than her 4 month appointment on the 28th with the pediatrician. Then she sees the orthopedic doctor again at the end of May to see how her feet are doing and if we are then able to move from wearing the braces all the time to just at night. It is a continual healing process but she is healing! God is answering while it may seem slow at times to us God knows what He is doing! He is always here and always helping! "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

1 comment:

  1. We are continually grateful for the answered prayers, and it would be a shame if we didn't praise Him to the mountain tops about what He has done. We believe in the power of His great healing and know that Your unwavering faithfulness will continue in the fight for little Addie's health issues. Yes, God does know what He is doing, and we continue to pray for your sweet little girl. Love to both you and Mike and your sweet family.
