Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Neurology visit

Today we saw Dr. Twanow, a neurologist here in town. She was looking at Addie's arm for the possibility of erbs palsy, Addie's right knee about why she doesn't use it, and the possibility of Addie having arthrogryposis. Let's start with the easiest part first. Dr. Twanow today does not think Addie has arthrogryposis, a condition where the nerves didn't finish connecting correctly and so stiff joints and lack of movement occur. Addie is able to move her right arm and her left leg like a typical 6 month old baby so she would caution to guess the issues Addie has are more from her lack of space and movement in the womb. She also thinks that Addie's issues with her right knee come partly from the difficulty to move it because the hip is out of place and partly from weakness from her lack of movement in the womb and through the casting process for her feet. The arm was a little more tricky and we do not have definitive answers. Dr. Twanow said that it could be just weakness from her not being able to move it in the womb, but because of the order in which her movement has been coming back and the way she holds her arm the neurologist did not want to rule out erbs palsy. The big question we need to answer is if it is erbs palsy or not because that will change the treatment. If it is not erbs palsy then we would just continue with the therapy and stretches. If it is erbs palsy we may need to have surgery done to remove the scar tissue around the shoulder and possibly a nerve graft. The good news is that either condition she should get full use of her arm back, but we have to treat the right condition. Dr. Twanow has referred us to a neurosurgeon here in town to get his opinion on if Addie has erbs palsy or not. The difficult thing is there is not any easy test to tell us definitively if it is or isn't. I started to get anxious today as Dr. Twanow was telling me about the possibility of surgery but two things happened that gave me peace. First, as I walked out I was hit by the fact that I was at a neurology specialist and that they deal with brain issues I could have been there dealing with something much much worse that could never be fixed. Second, I headed onto the elevator and looked down at Addie and saw her pretty, little, bare feet and was reminded of how much God has already done. If you could see her feet today from her feet at birth you wouldn't even believe they were the same ones! It is a truly a miracle and an answer to prayer to see how far they have come! I was flooded with such a sense of peace and contentment that I have no desire to complain and no feelings of stress. We will continue to go down every avenue that is necessary to get the help that Addie needs, but we won't go it alone! God is carrying us and it is because we have so many family and friends that are carrying us to God. I have been reading the Psalms and these verse stuck out to me yesterday and even more so today Psalms 33:20-22"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.  In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord,  even as we put our hope in you." Our hope is in God the one through whom all things live and breathe! He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end! If He is for us who can be against us? We are not living disheartened but we are living full of joy and peace. We have been blessed with Addie in our lives. So now we wait to hear when our appointment with the neurosurgeon is and we will go on from there. Our biggest prayer request right now would be that Addie sees the doctors that she needs to see. God knows the ones that will best be able to treat her conditions. Then, as we see these doctors that they would be granted wisdom and discernment to diagnose and treat Addie appropriately. We know that there is power when we pray together and we have seen that healing and helping power so much already. Let us not forget how much He has already done, as we stand in the midst of what we are waiting for Him to do! Philippians 4:4-7 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." We are rejoicing, we are praying, and we are living in His peace! Thank you for joining with us in this! We are truly blessed by each and everyone of you as you lift up our baby girl in your prayers!

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