Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hip Surgery is in 2 weeks!

I have started and stopped this update so many times. I have been overwhelmed with the results of our Cincinnati trip and thinking about the hip surgery.  When we went to Cincinnati at the beginning of the month he was not pleased with her progress there and if a nerve transfer is necessary they like to do it before 2 years old.  They were (God ordained) able to fit us in for an EMG directly following our appointment and those results showed there was still healing being done on the deltoid! So instead of surgery again we just added e-stem. We go back in November for another follow-up to watch the progress from the first surgery and make sure the deltoid is progressing enough to avoid surgery so please be praying for that. Addie has learned a few new words she will "roar" like a lion, says "uh-oh""wee""yay""cheese" "please." All the words don't come out perfect but there is a lot of progress in that department! We are now on countdown for her hip surgery which is in 2 weeks. We have to be there Sept. 9th for a pre-op appointment and her surgery will be done Sept 10th. It is about a 4 hour surgery. While every surgery has its risks this one is very important for her progress but also carries the most risk and hardest recovery of any surgery we have done so far. They will be cutting part of her bone in order to pull the hip into the hip socket. Because they have to cut the bone there is the possibility of her requiring a blood transfusion which comes with its own risks. Also, to keep the socket in place she will be put in a spica cast, which goes from her belly button to both ankles most likely, for 6-8 weeks. Her movement will be stilted at first until she is able to figure out how to wiggle around in the cast. She loves to be very independent so I am sure it is going to be sad the first few days. Please be praying for us. This surgery is overwhelming to me. We will be at the hospital for 1-2 nights before we are able to come home. Only one parent is allowed to sleep there so the nights will be long. Thankfully all of our parents are coming with us and will be able to help with the boys. I have been reading the Gospels in my devotions and one of the miracles in John 9 really hit me this week. John 9:1-3 " As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" " Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." This story in John reminds me that to us things don't always make sense because we can't see the future and how God will use it. The man in John was an adult that finally got healed. He dealt with his blindness his whole life. Could God not have used someone younger who hadn't had to ddeal with blindness for so long for the same purpose? God had a perfect plan and it included that man and his blindness in order for God's glory. The healing came but at a point when the man was most likely desperate and had given up on ever seeing until He heard about Jesus. We cannot give up on our hope of healing because we know Jesus! But in the midst and the waiting and the healing through doctors and surgeries we have hope and patience because Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." It has been a lot just thinking about this surgery and it will be a lot of recovery after her surgery, but through it all God is faithful. I can't see the future but I know that God has a plan and I know that He is using us for His glory in the midst of our struggle. I will try and keep you all updated quickly after her surgery and recovery. I appreciate all your prayers as I said the idea of this surgery is overwhelming me so I am going to need God to carry me through the actual time of surgery and recovery. But he is a God that delights in comforting His people. I am counting on His comfort and peace in the days ahead! 2 Corinthians 1:3-4"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God"

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