Sunday, November 29, 2015

Addie, Addie, Addie

Our sweet little girl is such a trooper! We are on our last day of her 2 week program of casting her good arm. The Thursday before we started this program we tested out the cast and she freaked out! Sunday November 15 the day before we started the casting we had Addie anointed. God answered! Addie has not cried at all because of her cast. She has been such a good sport through it all. This week we have therapy 3x again in order to spend the week working on using both arms together more. I think we will also try and do a few measurements to see how much use of her arm she has gotten from this casting process. The hope was that by her having to use her left arm she would strengthen it allowing her more mobility.
We also had some crazy stuff happen this week. On Tuesday Addie woke up with blue hands, lips, and feet. It was scary and I had to rush her to the ER. We spent most of the day there so they could watch her hear rate and oxygen levels. They also did an X-ray to make sure she did not have pneumonia. They could not find a cause for her blueness but since it had gotten better by the time we got to the hospital and her heart rate and oxygen levels stayed good while she played and while she slept they determine she was probably just cold. It was scary to go home and that night I checked her many times during the night to make sure she was still breathing. They said the littler the children are the easier it is for their blood vessels to close up and turn the the extremities blue but that had never happened before!
This week we are headed back to St. Louis to do a follow up on her hip. I think after this appointment we will cut down on the time she wears her hip brace. I also think we will meet with the physical therapists there in order have a better understanding of what she can and can't do at this point. The hope is then to start her physical therapy here at home the following week based on the restrictions we are given from the St. Louis therapists and doctors.
So needless to say this Thanksgiving we are thankful once again for the way God has touched Addie. Her attitude in the casting and then the fact there was nothing wrong at the hospital is His grace! Psalms 136:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good."

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