Monday, October 7, 2013

Suprise Ultrasound!

Due to some intense pain/pressure over the weekend I got an extra ultrasound today for Addie. The doctors have been watching my cervical length closely because my last pregnancy I dilated early. The cervical length is one of the issues the specialist, which I will see Wednesday afternoon, is always watching. So over the weekend I had been very uncomfortable and so the OB office wanted me to come in today for a quick ultrasound to make sure there was no early dilation. So of course since the pain had started we had been praying and God reminded me yesterday that He cares about every detail. Bed rest has been a possibility for this pregnancy so I was prepared for it to be dilating but I was reminded to pray about that. So today at the ultrasound would you believe that instead of getting shorted like they were concerned about it had actually gotten longer! God is working and He is faithful! I can't get over how He continues to draw us closer to Him, but also how He continues to show Himself and His word to be true. One of the devotions I read had this verse at the end and it is showing true in my life and Addie's. Hebrews 10:36 "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." He wants to do what He has promised, but we have to stand unwaveringly on those promises through the midst of it. So now we persevere and we wait on God. But we don't wait in our own strength we wait in His. "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31. Our Sunday School class yesterday was talking about wisdom and some of the Proverbs. Our teacher ended by asking us to come up with a proverb to pass on, or that we live our life by mine is "The Bible is ALL true, and it is ALWAYS true." So as we see progress in Addie and continue to hope with the expectation for total healing, we persevere in the Lord knowing He will continue to strengthen us each step of the way until He brings His promise for healing to completion. Day to day He is our hope and our strength! Can't wait to see what Wednesday's appointment will bring!

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