Monday, September 9, 2013

Good News!

So we went to the specialist again today to check on Addie's functioning, issues with the placenta placement, and cervical shortenings which could lead to preterm labor. We went in anticipating to see how God touched Addie and we were not disappointed! Previously, the doctor had thought that one of Addie's arms was stuck over her chest, but today we saw movement in that arm at the elbow, wrist, and in the fingers! Also, it was no longer over her chest! The other hand the doctor had thought her two middle fingers were stuck down into her fist, but on this arm we also saw movement at the elbow, wrist, and fingers. The fingers are not stuck down! The movement is not normal, but there is movement and that is a visible answer to prayer yet again. The doctor also said that because of this movement it is looking more likely that the issues are orthopedic and not neurological! The feet are still severely clubbed and the doctor still expects her to be in need of surgery within her first year. He told us that not to walk away thinking she was magically better but that it is good news. We are walking away knowing exactly that it was nothing magical but all spiritual. We are serving a powerful God! My aunt & uncle sent me a verse today that is an awesome reminder of who we are praying to and who we are believing in "Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh is anything too difficult for me?" Jeremiah 32:27. We went in anticipating to see God and we did. They may be moments when we want to doubt or question why only a little healing why not complete? Why us at all, but instead we will praise Him. My sister-in-law shared with me that today she was praying specifically that little Addie would wave at us and she did! God hears, God cares, God answers! God promises that "Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear" Isaiah 65:24. God has been faithful to us so if doubts try to creep in and questions I will remember who I am questioning the maker of Heaven and Earth, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords! I will then say as it says in the Psalms"Put you hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God." Psalms 42:5b. We are praising once again for visible answers and positive news about the health of our little girl. We are also continuing to pray for full and complete healing believing that God is who He says He is and that He will do what He has promised to do. He is faithful to us because of His great love and mercy and in that I can put my trust, my future, and the life of little Addie. She is one of His precious gifts to us along with her brothers, but He loves her even more than we do and how awesome that we are allowed to see Him knit her together piece by piece! So we continue to pray, we continue to hope, we continue to believe in His power as we draw deeper and deeper into His loving embrace and sustaining power. It is this sustaining power that every struggle we face can be handed over and let go of if we give our lives to Him. When we admit our sin and humanness His power is allowed to shine through brighter and brighter, and then we don't walk through this path alone! We are carried by our Savior and held up by our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who have called on His name for their salvation and now call on His name for Addie. It is a powerful way to live knowing that even in the midst of it we are not alone. We are a part of the body of Christ! We don't have to know it all or understand it all. We just have to do our part and give ourselves completely to Jesus and He will lead. We go back to the specialist Oct. 9 and will find out more than, otherwise I continue to see the OB for regular check-ups every 2 weeks my next one being Wednesday morning. As of now though the placenta and cervix look good I am just suppose to take it as easy as I can with chasing 2 boys so that hopefully I won't go into early labor like I did last time!


  1. With tears of joy in my eyes, I will continue to pray for your little addie! Thanks for keeping us all updated.

  2. I was once told that when you cannot sleep or are awakened in the night and don't know why, that you are being asked to pray for someone. Tonight I pray for your Addie, even though you don't know me and I don't know you, we do know that our God is an awesome god and will hear our cry.

  3. Thank you Jenn. And Amen Linda! Thank you for the prayers! It is so powerful and encouraging to know that so many who have no reason to care about us or Addie do care and are lifting us all up to the King because we are all a part of one body!

  4. Girl, preach it! Whew! So thankful for God at work already. What a cutie she is going to be.
